Mindful Prayers for Students

Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and Audible

Mindful Prayers for Students is your go-to podcast for staying connected to your faith while conquering college life and its challenges

Hosted by LoVetta Jenkins and Sydney Montgomery, this podcast is designed to give college students a moment of peace, meditation, and prayer. We also hope to give you the tools you need to stay connected to your faith as a college student, whether you’re still in your faith community or have moved away and are learning how to maintain your faith on your own. While centered on Judeo-Christians, this podcast is for anyone who wants to take a moment away from the stressors of work and family obligations, and other stressors in your life.

Email us at info@barrier-breakers.org to make a prayer request!

Sydney Montgomery Sydney Montgomery

S2. E3 Moving Away From Your Faith Community

We are joined with Emily Drake who shares her experience of moving away for college while maintaining her faith. She discusses the challenges of finding a new faith community and the importance of personal spiritual practices such as reading, prayer, and journaling. Emily emphasizes the need to be open to new experiences and to focus on personal growth while away from home. She also talks about the impact of her college experience on her faith and how it has become more personal and intimate. Emily offers advice to students preparing to move away, encouraging them to seek community, stay strong in their beliefs, and focus on what is real, true, and good in life.

In the midst of your journey, remember to keep the line of communication with God open. It doesn’t matter if you wait months or even years to reconnect with your home church; they’re always there for you, ready to embrace you with open arms.
— Emily Drake

Meet Emily Drake


Emily Drake grew up in a homeschooling family and earned a B.S. in Marketing from SUNY Brockport. She currently works as a social media manager and jewelry designer as well as managing social media for her childhood church in upstate New York. Emily is passionate about collecting and sharing visual stories that connect with others on a deeper level!

Three Pieces of Advice:

  1. Be open to new experiences and communities: Moving away from home, especially leaving behind your faith community, can be daunting. However, staying open to trying new churches and denominations can lead to unexpected connections and growth.

  1. Maintain personal spiritual practices: Even when away from your familiar community, it's essential to maintain personal spiritual practices like prayer and Bible reading. Consider using tools like a prayer journal to stay focused and connected to your faith.

  2. Embrace uncertainty and trust in faith: College can be a time of uncertainty and change. Trusting in your faith during these times of transition can provide guidance and comfort, even when the path forward may not be clear.

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Sydney Montgomery Sydney Montgomery

S2. E2 Prayers for a Successful/Restful Summer

Whether you are gearing up for a summer of rest and rejuvenation, diving into work or study, or seeking a balance of both, LoVetta offers insightful reflections, scriptures, and heartfelt prayers to guide you. Through moments of reflection on scripture, gentle reminders of self-care, and sincere prayers for success and peace, this episode serves as a beacon of support for students at any stage of their journey. So, whether you're seeking solace, motivation, or simply a moment of mindfulness, join LoVetta on this empowering episode to embark on your summer with renewed purpose and grace.

Know when to rest and know when to work, and know your limits. Let us not work to burnout and let us not rest to the point where we can’t get back up again.
— LoVetta Jenkins


Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

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Sydney Montgomery Sydney Montgomery

S2. E1. How to Stay Connected to Your Faith as a College Student

Join LoVetta Jenkins and Sydney Montgomery as they share their experiences and tips for staying connected to faith in college. Sydney, with her background at Princeton and Harvard Law, discusses balancing academics and faith, while LoVetta highlights the importance of finding a supportive faith community on campus. Together, they offer advice on prioritizing prayer, connecting with Christian friends, exploring campus Christian groups, and staying linked to your home church for ongoing support. Tune in for practical insights and encouragement to navigate college life while keeping your faith strong.

In the midst of your journey, remember to keep the line of communication with God open. It doesn’t matter if you wait months or even years to reconnect with your home church; they’re always there for you, ready to embrace you with open arms.
— Sydney Montgomery

Three Pieces of Advice:

  1. Find Supportive Community: Both LoVetta and Sydney stress the importance of finding a supportive faith community on campus. This community can provide encouragement, accountability, and guidance as you navigate the challenges of college life.

  2. Prioritize Spiritual Practices: Sydney highlights the need to prioritize time for prayer and religious activities amidst academic responsibilities. Making time for these practices can help you stay connected to your faith and maintain spiritual nourishment during busy college days.

  3. Stay Connected to Your Roots: Sydney advises staying connected with your home church for ongoing support and practical assistance. Even while away at college, maintaining connections with your home church can provide a sense of belonging and continuity in your faith journey.

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