Barrier Breakers® Law Firm Matching Program
We help you recruit and hire the diverse talent you’ve been looking for.
When you work with us, we do the recruiting for you. We have access to thousands of current diverse law school students within our community and are on a mission to advocate for these students to ensure that they find law firms, like yours, to make a home.
Matched interviews occur during the 3rd Annual Break into Law Conference Career Fair, June 23, 2024 from 1:30-4:30pm ET.
Hear from one of our students about Barrier Breakers®
impact in helping diverse candidates land Big Law jobs!
We can help you hire diverse associates from our community of talented current law school students
Step 1: Tell Us Your Criteria
We start by interviewing your firm so that we can learn more about your company culture and specialties, hiring priorities, and DEI goals. We care about building long-term relationships wth our law firms and know that no two firms are exactly alike. Big firm? Small firm? Have specific geographic needs? Need more associates for a specific practice area? We consider all requests in the interview process.
Step 2: We Recruit and Interview Students
The Barrier Breakers® network includes thousands of current law school students, some we worked with personally on their law school applications, and others we grew to know through interactions with student affinity groups at law schools across the country. We source students who fit your firm’s criteria and interview them to make sure they are truly interested in your firm and would be a good fit for your firm’s culture.
Step 3: Approval and Matching
We don’t want to waste your time or our students’ time. We show matched candidates to your firm for approval. We won’t proceed with any candidates you don’t think are a fit. We arrange most scheduled interviews during the Career Fair at our annual Break into Law Conference. Need a different setup? We’re happy to discuss.