
Anti-Asian Bias is Never Okay

Anti-Asian Bias is Never Okay

Seemingly “benign” discrimination can spread like wildfire into overt, hateful, violent, and even deadly racism. If we tell ourselves it is okay to discriminate in one area because it is better “overall,” what signals and messages are we sending over time? What messages are we telling our Asian American students about their value and worth?

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Empowering Students To Take Ownership of Their Academic Journey

Empowering Students To Take Ownership of Their Academic Journey

I really want to empower students to take ownership of their own academic journey and progress. That’s something I am always trying to emphasize with my students. As a student, you have the power to speak up if you feel like you are not getting what you need out of your academic courses or options.

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Combatting Systemic Racism as an Independent Educational Consultant

Combatting Systemic Racism as an Independent Educational Consultant

It is important to the aim of dismantling White supremacy that White counselors and allies begin examining their own complicity in systemic racism in education. It is crucial that White counselors engage in cultural competency training. As independent educational consultants, we have the power to further the work of racial equity and inclusion and there are concrete steps we can take to begin combatting these inequities as well as a plethora of resources and tools to learn how to engage further in this work.

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Harvard and MIT File Lawsuit Against New Federal Immigration Regulations
College Admissions, Law School Admissions Sydney Montgomery College Admissions, Law School Admissions Sydney Montgomery

Harvard and MIT File Lawsuit Against New Federal Immigration Regulations

MIT joined Harvard July 8, in suing the Trump administration in federal court seeking an immediate injunction and temporary restraining order of the new immigration rules. The Massachusetts Attorney General, Maura Healy, has vowed to support Harvard and MIT in combatting the new policy.

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