Is This the Right Fit: Factors to Consider When Choosing a School

Each year hundreds of thousands of high school students are faced with a huge decision: where will they attend college? So many factors shape this choice, making this entire process incredibly complicated. Because of this complexity, so many students struggle to find their “perfect fit.”

Instead of being hyper-focused on your “perfect fit,” let’s identify some important factors to consider before you choose a school. Within this blog, we will explore some of the factors contributing to the complexity of the college search process. Elements such as school setting, academic offerings, student support services, and residence life options all play major roles in determining if a school is a right fit for you. 

School Setting: Urban, Suburban, or Rural? 

When students select a school, they are also selecting the location where they will be living throughout their time in college. This makes the school setting an important element in determining if a university is a good fit for the student.

Some students are drawn to urban settings, and the many opportunities offered by big cities. They find the hustle and bustle of city life energizing, drawing them in with constant activity, community engagement opportunities, and increased networking and career options. However, for other students, this dream could easily turn into a nightmare of sensory overload!

Perhaps, your ideal setting is a rural campus, as you are a student drawn to intentional campus life. The rural setting doesn’t offer the same level of attractions off-campus, meaning that on-campus activities help create a vibrant, energetic student body! Additionally, a rural campus offers benefits that include a more laid-back atmosphere and limited distractions!

If neither of those options sounds appealing, maybe you are best suited for a suburban campus, offering a mixture of rural and urban. This blend offers students the opportunity to pursue the intentional campus lifestyle seen in many rural campuses, as well as the community engagement opportunities seen in many urban settings. Being located near cities (but not directly within them), offers students greater access to career opportunities, all while providing a campus that is separate from the city.

Regardless of what setting you choose, you will encounter both positives and negatives. That’s why it’s so important to consider what environment will set you up for the highest level of success, and where you think you will thrive.

Academic Offerings

Academic offerings are another element to consider in finding the best fit for you. Make sure that the university offers the courses and majors that you hope to study! If you’re a student who hasn’t decided what you want to major in, perhaps this isn’t as important to you. However, it is important to at least consider what degrees the university offers so that you don’t end up having to transfer to a different university later on just to select a certain major.

Additionally, you should evaluate what classes are required by the university. Often called “core classes,” many schools require all students to take certain classes to provide a foundation for their academic experience. It’s important to consider how these courses might shape your time at the university and how they contribute to your major selection. 

The Importance of Student Support Services

During your decision-making process, another element that is important to consider is the type of student support services that are in place. Perhaps you are interested in pursuing internship opportunities during your time in college, making it essential to consider what type of career services are available. Does your school offer services like resume critiques, mock interviews, or job fairs through the university career services center?

Other elements within student support services include things like health services, mental health services, and academic support. Most students will need some type of assistance at some point during their time in college, and evaluating these services early on can save you a lot of stress later.  Make sure you’ve covered all your bases and that your school is equipped with the proper support services to make your time in school as smooth and painless as possible! 

Residence Life

The last topic to consider is residence life. This broad term covers things like housing and dining. When evaluating housing options it is important to think about what living situation is the best for you. Does your school offer traditional dorm rooms? Apartments? Or do they not offer on-campus housing options? Are you a student who doesn’t want community bathrooms? Consider looking into universities that offer suite-style bathroom options. All these factors can greatly affect your decision-making process.

Additionally, look into how many students you will be sharing your living space with. One? Two? Three? These may seem like small details to consider, but it is important to be honest with yourself so you can create an environment that allows you to be your best self.

It’s impossible to be your best self without the appropriate energy and nutrition, so let’s talk dining options! Do you have specific dietary needs? Restrictions? The last thing you want to do is to commit to a school that doesn’t have dining options for you. Are meal plans based on a points system where different items have different point prices, or is it a per meal system? Again, these seemingly small details all contribute to your overall college experience, so you want to get them right. 

Campus Community and Climate

Another important element to consider is campus culture, making sure that the community life and overall climate is something that fits what is important to you. This is so important to consider because you don’t want to commit to a school that doesn’t align with your beliefs and values, as well as making sure that you are able to find a community that supports you. It is of the utmost importance to find a healthy environment to learn and grow in, but how do you explore this factor? One recommendation is to use College Equity First Inc’s Equity Index; this tool is so helpful in illuminating different elements of campus climate. Along with this, it is always helpful to speak with alumni, current students, or perhaps different student organizations. These student perspectives help fill in the blanks, providing a more complete picture of what to expect!

The aspects listed in the paragraphs above are in no way a comprehensive list! They are simply intended to provide you with some points to begin to consider as you navigate through your college search. There are so many things to consider during this process, which is why the “perfect college fit” is so hard to find. Nonetheless, it is important to set yourself up for success as well as you can, so make sure to at least consider these components in the schools you are exploring.

From selecting your college list to Decision Day, the team here at S. Montgomery Admissions Consulting is ready to support you! If you’re interested in more support throughout your applications, make sure to check out our services page!


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