How to Get Accommodations on the LSAT

Anyone who has started the LSAT prep process knows how demanding the exam can be. You're only given 35 minutes to complete 25-27 difficult questions on topics that are dense, uninteresting, and incredibly odd. You sit for two hours to repeat the process over and over with only short breaks, constantly shifting between question types and passages with strangely worded phrases that are almost never used in everyday speech. The LSAT is designed to apply pressure to test takers and to measure your performance under these conditions to give schools an idea of your academic capabilities. 

The bottom line? 

There is very little room for error. In order to attempt every question, you need to develop impeccable control over your timing and confident mastery of the content. To select answers accurately, you must develop a precise approach for each game, passage, and argument. You need to be laser-focused, never letting your mind wander beyond the argument's structure and reasoning. 

Why Are LSAT Accommodations Important? 

More and more people are realizing that the LSAT's difficulty isn't just caused by the test makers' design. People of color and students from first-generation and low-income backgrounds are more likely to experience stress and testing anxiety. They're also less likely to receive the support and mental healthcare that they need. Black students are both more likely to experience ADHD symptoms and less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than their white peers. Law school applicants who don't have a diagnosis are less likely to request LSAT accommodations that would help them show off their skills on the test. 

The purpose of LSAT accommodations is to give you a fair chance to demonstrate your ability on the test. That means if you are using your limited testing time to manage your symptoms or circumstances, you get assistance to overcome those things. LSAC commonly gives accommodations for paper versions of the test, extra time, reduced-distraction environments, extra breaks, assistive technology, and more, depending on the nature of your condition or disability. Accommodations are usually given for permanent disabilities, but they're also available for temporary circumstances, like having a broken arm or being in the final stages of pregnancy. 

How to Apply to LSAT Accommodations

Applying for LSAT accommodations is straightforward, but you'll need to plan ahead to make sure you can use your accommodations successfully. If you'll be taking the test within two months, you should submit your request for accommodations as soon as possible. LSAC can take a long time to review your request, so you want to give yourself enough time to practice with your accommodations and appeal a decision if necessary.  

There are three different ways you can be approved for LSAT accommodations: 

Automatic Approval Based on Prior Approval of LSAT Accommodations

If you've already taken the LSAT and gotten accommodations, you'll be automatically approved for the same LSAT accommodations when you take the test again. If your needs have changed and you want to ask for different LSAT accommodations, you will need to reapply for those new accommodations. 

LSAT Accommodation Request Based Solely on Prior Accommodations on Certain Other Standardized Postsecondary Admission Tests

If you received accommodations for another standardized test, like the SAT, ACT, or GRE, you'll be approved for the equivalent LSAT accommodations in most cases. You will need to provide documentation of your past accommodations, and there are certain accommodations, like testing over multiple days, that aren't allowed for the LSAT. 

Other Requests

If this is your first time requesting accommodations for a standardized test, you'll be asking for LSAT accommodations in one of these three categories: 

Category 1: Accommodations that don't include extended time

Category 2: Accommodations that include up to 50% extended time for candidates without visual impairments or 100% extended time for candidates with visual impairments

Category 3: Accommodations that include more than 50% extended time for candidates without visual impairments or more than 100% extended time for candidates with visual impairments

Most law school applicants will make requests in Category 2. Regardless of the LSAT accommodations you're seeking, you'll follow this process to apply. 

Step 1: Register for a test date

The test's registration deadline is also the deadline to apply for LSAT accommodations, so be sure to sign up well in advance. LSAC will not process your application for accommodations until you register for a test. You can find the dates and deadlines for upcoming LSAT administrations here.

Step 2: Think about what accommodations you need for the exam

LSAC has a list of commonly requested accommodations, which can help you get a sense of what LSAT accommodations are available and what might be right for you. Reflect on your situation and consider what will help you perform at the same level as you would if you weren't dealing with a preexisting condition. Make sure you understand why you're requesting each LSAT accommodation. 

Step 3: Speak to your doctor or therapist

Speak with a qualified professional who can explain to LSAC why accommodations are necessary in your situation. This will usually be a doctor or therapist who has been treating you and can explain why your condition or disability affects your performance on the LSAT. If you believe you have an underlying condition but don't have an official diagnosis, talk to your healthcare provider about what you're experiencing and whether certain LSAT accommodations are appropriate. 

Step 4: Gather your documentation

Everyone who requests accommodations must fill out the Candidate Form. You will need to fill out this form yourself, but your doctor or therapist can help with the medical information. Depending on your situation, you may also need to submit additional forms and documents. 

  • If you've received accommodations before, either in school or for other standardized tests, you'll need to include documentation of those accommodations. 

  • If you've received accommodations before but are requesting different ones for the LSAT, you'll also need to submit the Statement of Need for Accommodation

  • If you're requesting accommodations for the first time, you'll need to submit the Evidence of Disability form along with your candidate form and statement of need form. You'll need to fill out the evidence of disability form together with your doctor or therapist. 

Step 5: Finalize your request, submit, and wait

Make sure that you have all the forms and documents required for your LSAT accommodations request. All statements and documents should be typed if possible, but additional evidence of your disability can be neatly handwritten. You'll upload these documents to your LSAC portal under LSAT > Request Accommodations. Once you've submitted everything, all that's left to do is wait! As we said earlier, the best thing you can do is submit your application as early as possible. Some people get approved in a few weeks, but others (myself included) have taken multiple months to receive their accommodations. If you're ever unsure about your accommodation status, don't hesitate to email or speak with an LSAC representative on the phone.

Once LSAC has reviewed your file and made a decision, you will get an email when your decision letter has been posted to your LSAC page. If your request is approved, add your accommodations to your LSAT prep process as soon as you can so you're ready to use them on test day. 

If your request is denied, you can appeal the decision, which involves adding more robust documentation to support your request. However, you'll have greater peace of mind if you take the time to make the strongest possible case upfront. LSAC provides information on why requests for LSAT accommodations are typically denied. Review this information before you submit your application to give yourself the best chance of getting approved the first time around. 

S. Montgomery Admissions Consulting's one-on-one application support packages will help you craft the strongest possible application to law school. We offer sliding scale pricing for BIPOC, first-generation, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized applicants, as well as 70—80% off for LSAC fee-waiver holders. We're happy to with work applicants with disabilities and other needs. Visit our website to review our private package options, and don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your questions about the admissions process. 


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