Utilizing Overnight Programs to Network, Find a Good Fit, and Experience College Life

By Stephanie Secaira, Assistant College Counselor

Standing on the "B" emblem at Barnard College, I knew that Barnard was my dream school. I came to this realization at Barnard's overnight program: Barnard Bound. 

What are Overnight Programs? 

Before I delve into my take on overnight programs and how you can utilize them to network, find a good fit, and experience college life, let's define what overnight programs are. Overnight programs are opportunities to visit a college campus. Transportation costs are usually covered based on financial need, and you stay on-campus with a current student. They have structured schedules that include informational events, social mixers with faculty, events on campus, classes to attend, and so much more. Many overnight programs are geared towards underrepresented students in their junior year. However, there are some overnight programs open to all juniors.

The Different Between Overnight Programs and Other Visits

Some schools may offer an overnight visit, which is less structured and easier to apply for. For example, Connecticut College has an opportunity to schedule an overnight visit where you stay with a current student, but you get to decide when you go and what you do on campus. Overnight programs, on the other hand, have set dates and a structured program of events.

Admitted student visits are exclusively for students who were recently admitted to a school and are offered to stay overnight with a current student to make an informed decision before moving forward with an acceptance. For an overnight program, any prospective student can apply to attend.

Networking Opportunities 

After attending Barnard Bound, I wanted to explore more colleges through overnight programs. I applied and was accepted to Connecticut College's Explore Weekend, an overnight program for underrepresented students in their junior year. During the weekend, I was able to:

1. Attend classes with current students 

2. Meet other prospective students 

3. Attend workshops on how to strengthen my application (personal statement writing and interview preparation) 

4. Interview with an admissions counselor 

5. Experience college life through the current student I stayed with 

6. Attend a talent-show dinner with college deans and admissions counselors 

Of all the opportunities to further get to know the college, the dinner on the final night of my stay was the most crucial. Before the dinner, program coordinators informed us deans and admissions counselors would be sprinkled among the dinner tables. Immediately I used my elevator pitch. I highlighted my volunteer experience, tying it to my passion for public health. I then spoke about my passion for diversity and inclusion and how important it was that Connecticut College had multiple initiatives. I made a great first impression with just two minutes on the line. Before the dinner was over, I thanked the dean for answering my questions and attending the dinner.

The fruits of my anxiety and planning paid off when the program director approached me and said, "Stephanie! The dean had a great time getting to know you and is recommending you for admission." I honestly could not believe what I was hearing, and I learned the benefits of networking in my junior year. 

Finding Your Fit 

When you’re looking for the perfect fit, you want to consider a lot of different aspects - the size of the school, their specific programs, the food served at the dining hall. Some qualities are essential to a student's college experience, and overnight programs are one of the many ways to solidify your fit. For example, based on my experience at Washington University, I realized that rather than big schools away from home, I preferred small colleges close to home. This realization attests to the holistic approach I took to solidify my fit. If you can have an overnight stay at the school, evaluate your fit every day of the visit. Take notes on what interested you or what you wish you saw more of. This evaluative information brings you a step closer to your dream school. 

Experiencing College 

After being accepted to Barnard College's Barnard Bound overnight stay, I was excited to experience a completely different college fit than previous schools I had visited before. At Barnard, the community immediately embraced me with a welcoming atmosphere. Walking into the famous James Room at Barnard Hall, conversation, laughter, and current students immediately asked if I needed help. Settling at my table, I began to know everyone and where they were from. I have yet to find the perfect description for the encouragement I felt during my visit, but with just the environment in the room, I could tell that this is where I belonged. 

We were assigned to stay with a current student, and I experienced firsthand dorm life and real Barnard students in action. Experiencing the culture at Barnard showed me that everyone supported one another. I also learned that Barnard students worked towards the college's greater well-being and surrounding communities.

At the end of the trip, I looked around me at all the new friends I had made. I felt empowered at Barnard, something I hadn’t even realized was important in determining my perfect fit. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals and a supportive community unknowingly meant a lot to me, and that is when I knew Barnard was my dream school. 

The Takeaway

Overnight programs are a great opportunity to learn a lot about a school and guide you through the tough decision of choosing a college. There are great opportunities like dinners or interviews for you to show the school your personality and eagerness to attend. At the same time, you get to survey the school by meeting real students, attending classes, and seeing how you fit in that school overall. Whether you are passionate about a school or want to experience a specific element of college life, overnight programs allow you to fully immerse yourself in the college.


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