Virtual Events as an International Student: Are they Worth It?

By Josiah Enos, Associate College Counselor

Campus visits are one of the most exciting times as a prospective student, granting students the opportunity to experience what life is like at a university. Yet, for many international students, physically visiting a campus can prove incredibly challenging, expensive, and difficult to coordinate.

However, the global pandemic that affected so many of us also played a role in changing the campus visit landscape. With many campuses shut down, prospective students were no longer physically able to visit, shedding new light on the experiences of international students. As a result, many campuses and universities expanded virtual offerings, allowing students to gain insight into what life was like at that university. Let’s explore what options are available, what to look for, and how to stand out in these virtual events!

Are Virtual Campus Visits Worth it?

While logging on to your computer to tune into a virtual event might not seem as exciting as physically being on campus, that’s not to say that these events fail to provide students with valuable information and insights! In fact, virtual events provide students with an intimate opportunity to speak with admissions representatives, professors, students, and more.

These opportunities provide students with the chance to ask any questions they might have, as well as a chance to get an overall feel and impression of what the staff and students are like. Oftentimes, universities will host these events exclusively for the international student population, providing smaller, more intentional events catered towards common questions and concerns.

Additionally, many of these events are completely free to attend! Not only is this a free opportunity to get to know a university on a deeper level, but occasionally, these events provide students with bonuses or incentives like application fee waivers. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn and gain insight into what your future home looks like!

What to Look (or Listen) for in Virtual Events

Typically these events run anywhere from half an hour to a full hour, meaning there is a ton of information to take in. So what should you prioritize? As an international student, there are a number of services/topics that are important to capture!

For starters, what international student support services are offered by that admissions team? Do they have immigration assistance? This support is invaluable when it comes to I-20s, optional practical training (OPT), and curricular practical training (CPT). Having an expert to answer questions can go a long way in relieving stress, allowing you to focus on your studies.

Likewise, what academic and language supports are in place? Having strong resources in this area can smooth the transition to university. This adjustment phase often flies under the radar, but starting at a new university comes with a lot of changes! Not only are you in a new school and location, but you are also learning at a new level. Make this process as simple as possible, and take away any stressors that might hinder your academic adjustment.

Another factor to keep an eye out for is details about housing options. Are there options for over the summer? Over breaks? International students are faced with so many more variables than domestic students, so making sure you have all of the information you need is of the utmost importance. School and summer breaks are important to mention because not all international students are able to go home each time campus closes. Making sure your university has options available should also play a role in your college decision.

Lastly, reflect on your overall experience. What was your impression of the event? What has your experience been like throughout the admissions process? These small factors have a large impact on your overall experience, and in turn, they influence your overall perception of that university. Take your time, make sure that your university has felt like home throughout the entire process!

How to Stand Out in a Virtual Campus Event

They say that first impressions last forever; this framework really highlights the importance of putting your best foot forward. Let’s dive into some best practices for virtual events so that you are able to make a great first impression.

The first tip revolves around preparing well and getting to know what the event is supposed to be about. Campus tours, informational sessions, major overviews, financial aid seminars, and immigration overviews are all common topics for these virtual events. Know what your event is about and prepare accordingly. For instance, for a major overview, have some questions about the program ready to go!

Likewise, in an informational session or campus tour, don’t be afraid to ask questions and engage with the information presented so that you can gain a better understanding of the university.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to turn on your camera! It helps put a face to the name, and it shows that you are interested and engaged throughout the presentation. Students who remain off-camera for the whole session risk admissions representatives wondering if their audience even cares about the topic at hand.

This leads to another important point: make sure you look presentable! A nice shirt, neat hair, and a distraction-free background can go a long way in the minds of admissions representatives.

It may seem simple, but these small details all play a role in representing who you are as a student and as an individual. The best practices covered here are just a few of the many ways you can stand out in a virtual session.

If you’re an international student that would like personalized support in your college application process, check out our services or send us an email. We would love to hear from you!


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